
Survival Horror Games

Survival Horror Games is a genre of video games with themes of fear, tension, and survival. Players always assume the role of a character in an unknown and dangerous environment, trying to survive by gathering resources, solving puzzles, and dealing with hostile threats.

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Survival Horror Games typically use sound, screen, and scene settings to create a tense and frightening atmosphere. Players will encounter various terrifying sights and sounds during the game, increasing the frightening nature of the game.

Players must continually search for and manage resources such as food, water sources, medicine, and weapons. Lack of resources and restrictive management make the game more challenging.

Survival horror games typically set up various puzzles and hidden clues, and the player explores the environment, collects items, and uses the information gained to solve problems and advance the game's story.

Players will encounter various hostile threats during the game. Includes monsters, ghosts, zombies, etc. Players must deal with these threats by fighting, hiding, or running away. This will save your life.

Survival horror games often increase psychological pressure on players by making them feel the loneliness, helplessness, and fear of their characters. This psychological pressure comes not only from the scary scenes and sounds in the game, but also from the player's sense of tension and fear for their own survival.

The appeal of survival horror games is that they allow players to experience fear and tension firsthand, challenging their survival wisdom and psychological tolerance. By exploring the unknown and dealing with danger, players experience unique gaming fun and excitement.

What are the best free online Survival Horror games?